The Bones of a Theory of Zest and Self-Regulation

Notes for context: I wrote the below rough outline of a theory of zest and self-regulation in 2022. This piece makes reference to academic work but does not include full in-text or end-of-text references as yet. I will add these when I have time and energy.

How I prepared to meet my sensory needs for an amazing trip of a life time

Discover how I found out my sensory needs for base camp and how I planned to influence my sensory experience - and how you can learn to do this in a safe way that works for you.

Coaching can boost executive functions. Executive functions are the brain processes that help you to function in the world such as directing attention, remembering things, planning and motivation. ADHD and autistic people report challenges in some of these areas. Coaching can help you boost your executive functions.

3 ways that coaching boosts your executive functioning

3 ways that coaching boosts your executive functioning Yesterday, I had a conversation about what content I produce. I received the feedback that I do not write enough content about what coaching is, how it works, and how it directly supports certain neurotypes. On reflection, I

How to create an amazing MAP of motivation by meeting your needs around tasks

How to create an amazing MAP of motivation by meeting your needs around tasks I have a lot of coaching conversations with people about motivation. People tell me they’re low on motivation. They can’t get started – even with things they like. That it’s hard to

Breaking tasks down – love it or hate it?

You know when people tell you to just “break the task down”? I always hated that advice, in the past. If I’m honest, I didn’t want it to work. Imagine my initial disdain and annoyance when I found out that this advice can sometimes be of

Feeling low on motivation to do stuff that you want to do? Go to your interests!

Hobbies and special interests have been really healing for me lately. I'd like to tell you why this is and how connecting with what absorbs you can be beneficial for you - especially if you're ADHD.

What are your strengths?

How can you utilise strengths to resolve your frustrations?

How can you utilise strengths to resolve your frustrations? Do you experience a lot of feelings of frustration? Frustration being the feeling of blocked goals…of spinning your metaphorical wheels and not getting anywhere. There is an approach that might help you. Knowing and using your strengths

Thumbnail asking "How do you set goals?" Becci's quizzical avatar is on the left - she is wearing chunky headphones and glasses and looking like she's posing you a question.

Using the WOOP model to set goals you might actually get to one day…

Lately, I've been having lots of discussions with other neurodivergent people about if and how they set goals for themselves. Lots of people are telling me they struggle to set goals around pieces of research, research projects, and other work-related tasks. I know that I get

Have you ever been “pipped” to getting an idea out by another researcher?

Have you ever been “pipped” to getting an idea out by another researcher? I have this morning. I just wanted to share some of my thoughts to see if it helps you. What happened? I made the error this morning of checking socials as soon as

I finally did it – 300 days of consecutive meditation!

How can you build a habit that lasts for 300 days? Habit tracking/habit streaks is not for everyone. However, if you do find this approach motivating and interesting, you can read on to get ideas about how YOU might like to do it. I am at